Another interesting incident of the left hand not knowing that the right hand is doing where the illegal and treasonous military regime is concerned.
Despite the huffing, puffing and blustering from the illegal and treasonous Bainimarama against lauan chief Roko Ului Mara and the Kingdom of Tonga, the first lady see's fit to celebrate an undoubtedly auspicious occasion with Tonga along with other Polynesian leaders.
This is definitely an occasion of mixed signals to the people.
Adi Koila Nailatikau, the wife of illegal and treasonous President, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau is pictured below wearing pink while her brother sits directly opposite Princess Pilolevu.
At the Royal Palace on May 29, HM King George Tupou V (centre), with to his right, the Queen Mother Halaevalu Mata'aho, the Head of State of Samoa HH Tuiatua Tupua Tamasese Efi and his wife HH Masiofo Filifilia Tamasese, Paramount Chief Tufele Li'amatua, Secretary of Samoan Affairs and Mrs Tofiga Tufele, Princess Pilolevu and Ladu Adi Koila Nailatikau. From far left Lieutenant Colonel Taru Tevita Uluilakeba Mara, Hon. Fifita Tuku'aho, Prince Tu'ipelehake, Princess Mele Siu'ilikutapu,the Maori King Te Ariki Niu Tuheitia Paki and his wife Ariki Atawhai.
I believe there is something real between the Maras and all those families sitting there with Adi Koila and Roko Ului before all these things it's unfair to make all those observation without saying that as well...the Maras are related by royal blood to King George, with or without treason...
@ Anon 18:24
Yes we don't doubt that it is real. But if you want to be even more real, it is Ratu Epeli's blood ties to the Tongan royal kingdom that binds them EVEN MORE than the Mara's.
Tonga has supported Bainimarama thus far because of this link and now it is quickly becoming undone.
The fact of the matter however is that KNOWINGLY aware of the tension between the illegal and treasonous Bainimarama and her sibling, Mrs Nailatikau as the Presidents WIFE spent taxpayers money to get there and prove a point. If she was there to rep Maradom, her brother would have sufficed, no?
If Bainimarama is going to cool his heels about it, be SURE that kitchen politics will take over and that Mary may not stand to see her husband being publicly ridiculed like this so blatantly...especially with Mary being a product of the RRA hood and all.
And while on this note, this birthday celebration is not just a mere celebration. The presence of the bluest of the POLYNESIAN bluebloods, surrounding the Mara's in this photo (and incidently who are the same high-powered polynesian bluebloods that came to mourn the death of Ratu KKT Mara), at a time when Fiji and Tonga are at loggerheads, is sending a very strong regional political message.
It is Te Arikinui Kiingi Tuheitia and Ariki Te Atawhai.
This time was expected to come, the time when Kaisi will rule over Fiji. And reading such lowdown comments like this it could only come from a kaisi like where you came from. Your father and grandfathers father must have survive the vatu ni bakola. So you are very lucky to be writing those comments on top. Unlike the Mara's their grandfather had been a brave warrior from the past fighting lots of Fijian battle as a leader and not a lamulamu like you people who can punch from behind a keyboard of computer. Ni yavu sona levu.
@Anon 15:41 - Our race and lineage is of no concern to you. Nor is it relevant to our fight to free ourselves and our country from illegality and treason.
The Mara legacy is respected and yes perhaps the time is now here for leaders, regardless of their station, creed, sex, age, orientation and race to lead our beloved nation. That is what the constitution protects.
The time is also here for traditional and modern governance to part ways. Ke o ni via butuka na rara ni democracy -- fire. set. wananavu. ciba -- ia mo ni kila tiko ni dou na butuka na rara qo e na dela ni ka dou rawata e na buno, na vuli, na veivakaliuci kei na loloma.
The voting public we believe will no longer tolerate anyone riding on a legacy, nor those who whip it up to stir a frenzy to further their own agenda.
Democracy is the great equalizer and Fiji your time has come.
I really wish someone would tell Te Atawhai how to dress appropriately. I wish HRH Princess Pilolevu would give her some tips on how to be gracious.
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