January 16, 2009

What the?

We interrupt our brief halo-blogging moment to


at this news from Fiji TV tonight:

Kean to return as Navy Commander
16 Jan 2009 02:48:40

One National News can report tonight, convict Francis Kean is to return as the Navy Commander on February 9th.

This was confirmed by the Military Spokesperson Major Neumi Leweni.

He says the appointment of commander Kean was based mainly on merit, him being the right person for the right job.

He adds there is no nepotism involved in this appointment.

One National news has been told officers at the Naval base have been informed of Keans return to his old job.

He was found guilty of manslaughter by the High Court and served one third of his sentence exta-murally.

Many will recall that Francis Kean is Frank Bainimarama's brother-in-law who was convicted of murder and sentenced to 18 months imprisonment.

Mr Kean was very privileged to have been able to serve part of his sentence extra-murally and was even accorded an honorary send-off under the Prison Department's almost convenient "Yellow Ribbon Programme". Kean was also privy to full pay while serving his sentence.

The current Prisons Commissioner is also a military man and his Yellow Ribbon initiative found favour with the IIG because inmates benefitted and their numbers on the inside reduced.

While the country is in ruins, a murderer is let loose on the streets and the high sea's. Joy to the world.

As appropriate reactive words evade us right now, we believe it only fitting that we respond to Frank, Leweni, Kean and all those that made this possible in the tried and true, good ol' fashioned universal sign-language:

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