Now our ports will also undergo tariff hikes.
It appears that all those who have business at the wharf can expect to pay 7.5% more for marine service charges, stevedoring, local vessel charges, cargo service charges and storage charges DESPITE the pithy standards of service by the tariff instigators, Fiji Ports Corporation Limited.
And while the Commission swears that it is trying protect "exporters", Dr Reddy forgets that almost everything we export needs some input from things we need to import. Apart from that anything to do with imports affects the take-home pay of consumers and taxpayers.
Dr Reddy is better placed staying in the airy fairy world of academia as his rulings so far are so out of touch that they favour government subsidized bodies over those that pay the bills in this country.
Don't expect any miracles on the outcomes of revised interconnection rates for telecommunications folks.
Who do you serve Mahendra Reddy?
1 comment:
One wink for this man whoever he is supposed to be LOL.
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