Yesterday, Vijay Narayan, news director of Communications Fiji Limited and managing director William Parkinson were taken by officers from the new Anti-Corruption Unit over comments on its website - Fijivillage.com's opinion and public forums about the President, Ratu Josefa Iloilo.
By mid-afternoon the link from the homepage to the forum called FijiVillageTalk, had been removed. However, visitors could still access the forum by typing in the exact web address, www.fijivillage.com/fvtalk. By evening though the entire forum had been shut down (see image) .
Last Saturday, fearing retaliation for her musings on Fiji political life under the military regime, Ms Vakaivosavosa - a popular blogger, decided to shut down her blog.
However, in Ms Vakaivosavosa's wake, other bloggers determined to have a say in the rebuilding of Fiji have sprung up. See the links on the right.
Franky, the uneducated tyrant, and his thugs are behavng exactly like school bullies. They love to dish it out (always in a group, never alone) thinking that this makes them big men, but can't take it when people stand up to them through free speech. Just like school bullies they also have the weak hanging onto their shirt tails, in this case our 'illustrius' interum government.
Hang in there all those that beleive in free speech ,human rights and democracy. They may close one site down, but in its place others will follow. In the end justice for the people will win out.
Keep up the good fight.
Power to the people!
This is unbelievable! The military has done exactly the opposite of what they said they would do. They have trampled upon free speech and the most basic of human rights, and most of all they are taking F...or....ev....er...to restore Fiji back to a democratically elected government. Is it true that they have stated the next elections may not be held until 2010? or did I read that wrong? The biggest red flag for me about this whole Coup business was that of Frank Bainimarama asking the government to drop all investigations against him...wow. Now there's a civil servant looking out for the best interests of the people of Fiji. Thank's Frank! Oh, and congratulations on that investigation finally being "shelved". Congratulations Frank. You're probably the one person in Fiji who can be happy and safe all at the same time!
Yes Frankie - you listen here you ULUKAU MACAWA. And this includes all your other ulukau's and your interim cabinet who has by virtue of joining the RFMF's dictatorship regime , has slapped and spat at the face of Fiji.
We, the people, will win this fight and for as long Intelligensiya continues to be alive, it will and has gained wide spread acceptance and momentum. One that will rise above you and voice the real concerns and voices of the people of Fiji. All you can do now Frankie and your useless pathetic mob of uneducated, undemocratic losers is hope and pray that we will not bulldoze you down. BUT THEN AGAIN WE ALREADY HAVE.
If the military think they can control cyberspace...they must be in dreamland the nin com puts.
If you love freedom - that is freedom of speech, then why are you hiding? BTW, the military will get you.
did thay also scrap the FORUM page on fijivillage????
Like any other coup, it won't last and the power of the pen will always win.....The RFMF is no longer a Royal Fiji Military Forces but a terorrist group heading to disaster. The problem is most of these army officers are school dropouts. Having Frank as the PM is a joke just like Rabuka.
Why are you not allowing blogs which are supportive of frank Baiimarama to be published?
Stan,to answer you, bloggers supporting Bainimarama have a different agenda. They are a bunch of nit-wits just like the banana-henchman!
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