September 07, 2009

Ema Mua: Jesus Strategy is Working

Good Lord. This is really taking the bastardization of the Lord's name to new heights.

Now that dope-smoking cops are sprung, Ema Mua -- as only she can -- feebly attempts to do her PR thing:
“And there we have some officers who say, “hey, we’ve found these things going on and we would like to bring it to light”, and that’s a strength for us," she said.

"It may look like a failure to the outside, to the public because of the Jesus Strategy but within the force, we feel it’s a very good sign," said Dimila.

"It’s a sign that our officers are beginning to change. That the dirt is beginning to come out. He (Police Commissioner) has no position for unfaithful officers within the force," she added.

"So we’ll start taking out officers who’re unfaithful in this sense so the Jesus Strategy is really working," said Dimila.

Meanwhile they still maintain that promotions within the ranks of the constabulary is not based on religion.

Someone spring a lie-detector on this heffa please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the smart talker has left her Rotuman husband and their kids in Raiwaqa and has taken up residence with one man (presumably a cop)somewhere up in Namadi Heights. Now, what Jesus strategy was she talking about again?