September 14, 2009

"Get It On Before You Get It On" - HE The President of Fiji

We kid you not. These were the exact words (check 2:32 mark of vid) of the Rt Epeli Nailatikau, the Acting President of Fiji.

Granted he was speaking on the issue of HIV/AIDS and targetting the youths in his message HOWEVER the tone and approach of this speech was most unbecoming, unclassy and unworthy of a statement originating from the highest office in the land.

But then again this is to be expected. He would have never smelled the Presidency if the normal processes of the Great Council of Chiefs appointments had been followed.

September 08, 2009

Keep The Racket Down Jesus Strategizers!

Week after week the CBD of Suva has been subjected to noisy convulsions from the conveniently crime-free and Jesus-strategizing Police Force.

If your ear drums aren't taking a beating from the audio emanations from Sukuna Park, then one surely didn't escape the din during the after-work rush at the main Suva bus-stand yesterday arvo.

Apart from the total nuisance they're making of themselves to the otherwise somber end-of-the-work-day wind-down for many of us bus-riding citizens, the racket PLUS dancing (yep that's right folks, DANCING coppers) is enough to send us scurrying to the nearest sila sellers for ammo.

In case these law enforcements officers need reminding, a legal precedent has already been set in the High Court where noise pollution (such as this) has been considered a breach of Penal Code S. 187 – common nuisance.

The case is State v Sang: [2008] FJHC 11; HAA127.07 (1 February 2008).

Many thanks to this studious legal student for that little gem of knowledge by way of a term-paper.

We will welcome cellular phone footage of the bus-stand shenanigan's for entertainment value folks. Email them through to:

Interim Regime Retaliates Against Fiji Times

It's pathetic, well and truly bizarre and not unusual to kid's fights in the sandbox.

Perhaps because of Netani Rika's unflinching stand on media freedom, Bainimarama himself has given the order for all Government entities to cease all business arrangements with the Fiji Times ASAP.

Unless we're mistaken the impact on Fiji Times' bottom-line would be negligible to say the least.

Total Govt subscriptions (as perks of the current illegal and treasonous Ministers and their CEOs) would amount to about 40 copies/day x 5 days (approximately).

In terms of advertising, consumers still prefer Fiji Times (just check their circulation numbers and overall quality over the Post and the Sun).

Therefore if the Interim Govt needs something communicated to the masses (because they're still trying to win hearts and minds folks), consumers are simply not going to forego their loyalties just because the IG has a beef with the Fiji Times.

This should be interesting.

Let's see who caves in first. We might even start taking tallies.

Buy the Fiji Times only folks. Vote with your pockets.

September 07, 2009

Ema Mua: Jesus Strategy is Working

Good Lord. This is really taking the bastardization of the Lord's name to new heights.

Now that dope-smoking cops are sprung, Ema Mua -- as only she can -- feebly attempts to do her PR thing:
“And there we have some officers who say, “hey, we’ve found these things going on and we would like to bring it to light”, and that’s a strength for us," she said.

"It may look like a failure to the outside, to the public because of the Jesus Strategy but within the force, we feel it’s a very good sign," said Dimila.

"It’s a sign that our officers are beginning to change. That the dirt is beginning to come out. He (Police Commissioner) has no position for unfaithful officers within the force," she added.

"So we’ll start taking out officers who’re unfaithful in this sense so the Jesus Strategy is really working," said Dimila.

Meanwhile they still maintain that promotions within the ranks of the constabulary is not based on religion.

Someone spring a lie-detector on this heffa please.

September 04, 2009

Will the Idiocy Never End?

So now Rewa Dairy think's it ok to lay another Con-Job down and hit consumers in the pockets AGAIN.

And get this. Rewa Dairy CEO say's:
"in light of high costs Rewa Dairy has had to maintain in order to sustain a local industry, support farmers and pay overseas creditors"
What the hell is this? How is it that these supposed Execs continue to get the idea that consumers will sign blank cheques and bail them out whenever they can't do what they're being paid to do?

Meanwhile the illegal and treasonous coup master, Frank Bainimarama, has flown the coup to look for money in Commonwealth country, Malaysia.

Commerce Commission Chair Slams Consumers

Aha! So now we get to the heart of the matter.

Commerce Commission Chair, Dr. Mahendra Reddy blasts consumers by asserting that consultations in relation to the FEA tariff hikes DID NOT require consultations.

Reddy stated that:
"We don’t want to spend thousands of dollars when we know what the outcome would be of awarding the tariff increase, we were clear in our mind because we have done our home work, we cant sell electricity at a price which is low then the unit cost, no business would want to sell their product lower then the market unit cost."

He's essentially saying that there was a pre-determined idea that the tariffs should increase regardless of what consumer's think, because he is more worried about FEA's ability to make and sell electricity, as well as make a profit.

This economist needs to touch base with his enabling legislation which broadly lays down the role of the Commerce Commission as follows:
9. The Commission has the following objectives in relation to regulated industries and access regimes-

(a) to promote effective competition in the interests of consumers;

(b) to facilitate an approximate balance between efficiency and environmental and social considerations;

(c) to ensure non-discriminatory access to monopoly and near monopoly infrastructure or services.

It isn't Reddy's job to worry about FEA's monopolistic ability to provide electricity and make a profit. That is FEA's problem. Reddy's job is to ensure that consumers don't pay for bad investment decisions which is essentially what is happening here.

September 03, 2009

Our Now is Grim

The outlook for Fiji is looking extremely grim at this present time thanks to the self-appointed military regime currently holding our country to ransom.

The Commonwealth has suspended us.

Government funded institutions that are supposed to offer basic services like running water, can't even do that, preferring instead to corporatize and hit the taxpaying citizens in the back-pocket anyway for sub-par services.

The electricity monopoly aka the FEA is a classic example of bad investment decisions where taxpaying citizens are arrogantly expected to pick up the tab quietly.

Taxpaying superannuation shareholder's are also being subjected to bad investment decisions and are also expected to bear these costs silently in their twilight years.

The cost of living for the taxpaying citizenry has also gotten worse. The price of bread's gone up, so too has the price of milk.

Meanwhile taxpaying citizens have to endure and continue paying for pot-smoking and jesus-strategizing cops.

If our NOW looks grim, our future is equalling worrying. School children in the East will be without teachers in Term 3 as the teachers did not get "processed" as per new licensing regulations.