September 27, 2012

Learn to use constitution

Nanise Loanakadavu
Thursday, September 27, 2012

FIJIANS need to give the constitution the power to do things.

Constitution Commission member Penelope Moore told students of Gospel School for the Deaf in Samabula yesterday many people in Fiji do not understand how the constitution works and the role it played.

"People need to learn how to use this document for their own good," Ms Moore said.

She said all laws in Fiji would need to support the constitution, therefore it was important that people participated in the consultation process.

Ms Moore said people needed to make use of this opportunity to make their voices heard on what they felt should be included in the document.

"This is a people's document for the people of Fiji.

"Unless you understand or practise what it says, then the document will not be able to solve your problem individually."

The commission's visit to the school was to raise awareness of how special needs people could make constitutional submissions.

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